Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Maiden Voyage... So to speak.

Okay, so here's the deal. When I go to a diner, I order a tuna melt sandwich. Always. Unless it's breakfast, but I don't do mornings so breakfast can be had by some other grease-deprived patron. I don't need no stinking menu! So yeah... Hopefully, I'll trip around Manhattan and try my buds on various tuna melt sandwiches. The pannini, the open face, on toasted wheat, on rye, sourdough and beyond, I'm here to bring the good news about where U can get yourself a nice melt. Often, I'm certain that this blog will veer far afield of the named subject matter, but I'll try my best to keep the topics relevant, entertaining, or just plain silly. No roadmap. I can never tell where I might be going, but if U have a few minutes to burn, come on along and see if U can figure out what the hell the point to life is.

I'll tell ya THIS much tho, life is much better with a side of fries. I'll have the deluxe, please. How about U?