Okay, so where was I? Yeah, Hangin out. So I get there with one of my boys and our buddy from Va is already inside. There's a pretty decent line of chicks and some dudes out front dressed ready to party and to make matters worse, yeah, I've got on sneakers. But dudes are wearing jeans and skechers and all kindsa shit so I figure I'm cool. Then my boy says, 'We should probably check to see what the cover is...' and sure enough, the shit is twenty bucks. Now, I wouldn't be complaining about a twenty dollar cover, but I really was planning to just show up and sit at a bar and have some drinks and hang out, not bump into a full fledged NY Hotspot party night. So my buddy goes in ahead of me and when it's MY turn, after I get frisked and all that fun shit, I get to the cash girl and sure enough, this chick tells me the cover is now THIRTY FUCKIN BUCKS! B-bu-bu-but wait, it gets worse! Since all of my friends are already inside, there's goes thirty bucks. I've NEVER paid thirty bucks to get into ANYplace and I've lived in New York ALL my life! So now I get in there and the music is shit... No, don't blame the music, my bad... The DJ is shit! They're selling mixed drinks in fucking five ounce hard plastic cups... Like so...
BUT, on Sunday I did discover a new brew from Blue Point Brewing Company. If U get a chance, make it a point to check out their Blueberry Ale. It's a wickedly perfect brew. Check it out...
I know, I know, the damned sandwich, man! Imma get to a diner soon, so stay tuned!