Hello girls and boys guess who's back with his semi-annual blog post! LOL! I know, I know, I really do suke at updating regularly, but hey, it could be worse, I could be a right-wing conservative shit-head political blogger! ThankYEW! I'm here all week, try the Baked Ziti. Now, were was I? What's the title again? Right GAMES! As in video games. I'm currently playing Grand Slam Tennis and Madden NFL 10 for the Nintendo Wii and I'm planning on copping the Wii Sports Resort (more golf holes!) . Madden for the Wii is a completely different animal than it is for the other consoles (XBox 360 & PS3) due to the unique Wii controlling setup. In order to throw the ball in the passing game U actually have to flick your wrist as if U're throwing the ball. U also have to wave the controller in specific situations to juke or swim left or right. It takes a bit of getting used to but it's pretty cool. Here's a picture of the box, buy it!

In other console news, my brother is currently hogging screen time with what is one of the greatest and most cleverly constructed and designed superhero videogames of all time. What game is that, you ask? Why, it's Batman: Arkham Asylum. If you have either of the two BIG polygon pushing consoles (360 or PS3 for all U knuckleheads) do yourself a favor and COP THAT! Dude, I don't even play it, I just like to watch and I'm co-signing this puppy. Fork over that loot and blow some alone-time on that instead of ya sittin with ya mitts in ya pants! Peep the cover...

Sandwich review coming soon, I promise. That, AND... OKTOBERFEST BEERS! I know I said the same thing last year, but one of these days I won't be fibbin!
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