Friday, August 28, 2009

Games, Games, Games!

Hello girls and boys guess who's back with his semi-annual blog post! LOL! I know, I know, I really do suke at updating regularly, but hey, it could be worse, I could be a right-wing conservative shit-head political blogger! ThankYEW! I'm here all week, try the Baked Ziti. Now, were was I? What's the title again? Right GAMES! As in video games. I'm currently playing Grand Slam Tennis and Madden NFL 10 for the Nintendo Wii and I'm planning on copping the Wii Sports Resort (more golf holes!) . Madden for the Wii is a completely different animal than it is for the other consoles (XBox 360 & PS3) due to the unique Wii controlling setup. In order to throw the ball in the passing game U actually have to flick your wrist as if U're throwing the ball. U also have to wave the controller in specific situations to juke or swim left or right. It takes a bit of getting used to but it's pretty cool. Here's a picture of the box, buy it!

In other console news, my brother is currently hogging screen time with what is one of the greatest and most cleverly constructed and designed superhero videogames of all time. What game is that, you ask? Why, it's Batman: Arkham Asylum. If you have either of the two BIG polygon pushing consoles (360 or PS3 for all U knuckleheads) do yourself a favor and COP THAT! Dude, I don't even play it, I just like to watch and I'm co-signing this puppy. Fork over that loot and blow some alone-time on that instead of ya sittin with ya mitts in ya pants! Peep the cover...

Sandwich review coming soon, I promise. That, AND... OKTOBERFEST BEERS! I know I said the same thing last year, but one of these days I won't be fibbin!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Hell in a thirty dollar handbasket on a Friday night

So for a couple weeks or so I knew that my buddy was coming back up to NY from Virginia this weekend, so of course, he wanted to hang out. I knew the fellas would all be gettin together to take over some place here in the city. The place that my pal decided on? The Hudson River Café. Wanna see it? Look...

Okay, so where was I? Yeah, Hangin out. So I get there with one of my boys and our buddy from Va is already inside. There's a pretty decent line of chicks and some dudes out front dressed ready to party and to make matters worse, yeah, I've got on sneakers. But dudes are wearing jeans and skechers and all kindsa shit so I figure I'm cool. Then my boy says, 'We should probably check to see what the cover is...' and sure enough, the shit is twenty bucks. Now, I wouldn't be complaining about a twenty dollar cover, but I really was planning to just show up and sit at a bar and have some drinks and hang out, not bump into a full fledged NY Hotspot party night. So my buddy goes in ahead of me and when it's MY turn, after I get frisked and all that fun shit, I get to the cash girl and sure enough, this chick tells me the cover is now THIRTY FUCKIN BUCKS! B-bu-bu-but wait, it gets worse! Since all of my friends are already inside, there's goes thirty bucks. I've NEVER paid thirty bucks to get into ANYplace and I've lived in New York ALL my life! So now I get in there and the music is shit... No, don't blame the music, my bad... The DJ is shit! They're selling mixed drinks in fucking five ounce hard plastic cups... Like so...

Now imagine that shit filled with ice. Then imagine a bartender telling you that you owe her twelve bucks for it. The good news is that they had Guinness on tap in twelve ounce cups for five bucks. So yeah, it was THAT kinda night. Then I start thinking about all kindsa shit that pisses me off even more like the fact that I paid thirty dollars to get INto a party that was OUTside.

BUT, on Sunday I did discover a new brew from Blue Point Brewing Company. If U get a chance, make it a point to check out their Blueberry Ale. It's a wickedly perfect brew. Check it out...

I know, I know, the damned sandwich, man! Imma get to a diner soon, so stay tuned!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Consie's Back, Babay!

Okay. So anyone who knows me knows that I could give a flying tattooed rat's ass about Leno or Letterman. Tho I'll admit, I'm more apt to tune in to Letterman than Jay, my choice of late night flavor has always been Conan O'Brien. I mean, the dude has just got the chops for late night TV and he's been funnier than Leno for years. Jay's had the name recognition and, of course, was handed the reigns by Mr. Late Night himself, Johnny Carson, but everybody knows that Conan's been better than Leno for years now. So when NBC announced that Jay was packing up the show and Conan was moving to both L.A. AND 11:35, well, joy abounded. I won't mention how NBC practically sandbagged Consie and gave Leno a PRIMETIME 10pm slot (not sure if it'll be nightly, but I doubt it) which means Leno will continue to siphon A-list guests from the scarlet pompadour of late night, but suffice it to say, it's good to see Conan back on the air... Even if he did forget to move to Los Angeles until three hours before he was supposed to go on air and had to run across the country. Hey, he made it and my homie is doin his thing at 11:35!

Monday, March 30, 2009

It's Spring Agaaaaiiiiiinnnnnn!

Yeah, it's definitely been a while and yours truly has been quite derelict in his tuna melting duties. This is true and I am shamed beyond recognition. But I'm back and I promise to get back to the business of checking out the tuna melts @ every diner I get the chance to visit. In fact, I will guarantee a review in APRIL! I also intend to get back to the business of checking out the seasonal ales, pilsners and lagers and all that good shit. So now, pledges to do what I will certainly enjoy regardless aside, let's move on.

I had the pleasure of catching HBO's new pilot, The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency, a program based on a series of books by the same title. The show stars Jill Scott (her last name is Scott but she can be Mrs. Tuna Melt ANY day) and Anika Noni Rose as the number one ladies in question and the show is a beautifully shot and gleefully acted little slice of life in Botswana. It's so refreshing to see stories taking place in Africa that are not focused on misery and despair. The characters and their lives are displayed plainly, not as something foreign and unusual, but as lives just like your own, simply in a different setting and spoken in an english a lil different than yours. The thing is, you recognize the people, you can identify with them and get involved in their story and that's what makes a show worth watching. By the way, Jill Scott and Anika Noni Rose are the only non-native cast members on this show, but their south African accents are spot-on authentic and Mrs. Tuna Melt, aka Jill Scott is identifying herself as quite a talented actress in her first starring vehicle. Good show, full of humor, liveliness and color, I will certainly be watching more of The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency. I suggest U do the same and catch this show.

Spring brews and sandwiches coming soon!